Northwoods.GoWPF 2.2.4 Assembly
Load<NodeDataType,LinkDataType>(XContainer,XName,XName) Method

this must be a GraphLinksModelNodeData<NodeKey> with a public zero-argument constructor
this must be a GraphLinksModelLinkData<NodeKey,PortKey> with a public zero-argument constructor
the XContainer holding all of the data
the name of each XElement holding node data
the name of each XElement holding link data
Given a Linq for XML XContainer holding node and link data, replace this model's NodesSource and LinksSource collections with collections of new node data and new link data.
Public Overloads Sub Load
    (Of NodeDataType As {New, GraphLinksModelNodeData(Of NodeKey)},
     LinkDataType As {New, GraphLinksModelLinkData(Of NodeKey,PortKey)})( _
   ByVal root As XContainer, _
   ByVal nodename As XName, _
   ByVal linkname As XName _
public void Load<NodeDataType,LinkDataType>( 
   XContainer root,
   XName nodename,
   XName linkname
where NodeDataType: new(), GraphLinksModelNodeData<NodeKey>
where LinkDataType: new(), GraphLinksModelLinkData<NodeKey,PortKey>


the XContainer holding all of the data
the name of each XElement holding node data
the name of each XElement holding link data

Type Parameters

this must be a GraphLinksModelNodeData<NodeKey> with a public zero-argument constructor
this must be a GraphLinksModelLinkData<NodeKey,PortKey> with a public zero-argument constructor

All of the changes to this model are performed within a transaction.

This does not set the IsModified property to false. You may wish to do so, depending on your application requirements. You might also wish to clear the UndoManager.

See Also


GraphLinksModel<NodeType,NodeKey,PortKey,LinkType> Class
GraphLinksModel<NodeType,NodeKey,PortKey,LinkType> Members
Overload List



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